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New Year, New Me: Unveiling DefaultVeg 2.0


January 18, 2024


New year, new me — sort of. We’re the same team doing the same work, but we got a snazzy new makeover. Here’s why.

If the Better Food Foundation’s growth last year is any indicator, we’re entering a golden age for DefaultVeg. The world hungers for effective diet-change strategies, and we’re serving. In 2023, new institutions and canteens incorporated nudges into their menus, we released groundbreaking research about the effectiveness of plant-based defaults in campus dining, we launched a powerful new storytelling initiative called FlipIt, and five new people joined our team.

This year, our goals involve scaling DefaultVeg’s impact. Our strategic rebranding recognizes the rapid progress we’ve made and reinforces our commitment to a world where plant-based food is the norm.

The refresh gives our family of brands a through-line that better reflects the coherence of our mission and approach — and we look good doing it.

Our vision for the future is now clearly reflected across our growing family of brands. An update to our recognizable DefaultVeg logo capitalizes on our forward momentum with the emphasis on the greater than sign.

In doing so, it pays direct tribute to DefaultVeg’s parent brand: the Better Food Foundation. DefaultVeg is our most powerful tool and most popular initiative, but now it’s better contextualized as one strategy used to advance a larger mission.

Our new BFF logo reflects the narrative change our organization advances in two ways: the B’s leaves represent plant-based foods and double as conversation bubbles. Diets change when food norms change, and norm change requires dialogue. Better food happens in community.

Our new look deepens the connection between all we do, from our initiatives to our institutional outreach to our research and reports, representing our unwavering commitment to a world where plant-based food is the norm.

Thank you to everyone who helped us get to where we are today. We’re ready to realize our vision of a plant-forward future and can’t wait to see what’s next.

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