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The Better Food Foundation’s work has been featured in outlets including The New York Times, Bloomberg, San Diego Union TribuneCounterCurrents, HEATED, and Foodservice Director. For media inquiries, contact [email protected].

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Press Release

Mar 14, 2024

Sodexo Launches Massive Expansion of DefaultVeg Pilot, Making Plant-Based Meal Service a Norm at Campus Eateries Across USA

DefaultVeg expansion to almost 400 campuses serving 1 million students coincides with a newly published study showing that consistently offering plant-based meals as the default option is highly effective at encouraging students to choose them, cutting greenhouse gas emissions.


Mar 12, 2024

DefaultVeg Menu and Leaders Featured at “The Future of Federal Food Purchasing: Transforming Policy & Practice” Summit 

The Better Food Foundation’s powerful plant-based-default strategy makes its way to the two-day food procurement summit hosted at George Washington University.

Press Release

Sep 6, 2023

Report: Meat-Heavy Recipes Featured in US, UK outlets Contradict Climate Commitments

A media analysis by Better Food Foundation into major US and UK news outlets uncovers discrepancy between their public pledges to responsible climate reporting and an emphasis on animal-based recipes, the biggest contributor to environmental destruction.