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The latest news and events from the Better Food Foundation.


Jul 31, 2024

Research on Defaults: How Can Plant-Based Nudges Be Implemented Effectively? 

DefaultVeg an effective, evidence-based intervention, and it can benefit nearly all of the groups involved: food service vendors, consumers, animals, and the climate and environment. But just because it works doesn’t mean we can’t make it better. Here are our research-backed tips on how to ensure your nudges are as effective as possible.


Mar 24, 2024

Hundreds of Universities Are Moving Toward a Plant-Based Norm

Sodexo has massively expanded plant-based dining at its nearly 400 universities following its trial of DefaultVeg menus.

Press Release

Mar 14, 2024

Sodexo Launches Massive Expansion of DefaultVeg Pilot, Making Plant-Based Meal Service a Norm at Campus Eateries Across USA

DefaultVeg expansion to almost 400 campuses serving 1 million students coincides with a newly published study showing that consistently offering plant-based meals as the default option is highly effective at encouraging students to choose them, cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

AASHE 2024 Conference and Expo

Date Oct 7, 2024 — Oct 9, 2024
Location Anaheim Marriott

AASHE Conference is the premier event for sustainability in higher education, bringing together faculty, staff, students, and change-makers for dynamic presentations and discussions on advancing sustainability on campuses.

Event Details

Plant-Based Defaults to Drive Change and Elevate Your Advocacy

Date Oct 8, 2024 @ 12:00pm EST / 9:00am PST
Location Virual (Zoom)

Join Better Food Foundation, Faunalytics, and Greener by Default at this workshop, where we’ll dive into the peer-reviewed science behind behavioral nudges, showcase real-world case studies, and show you how to get started with these strategies—so you can bypass the usual resistance and level up your advocacy.

Event Details