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Research and Reports

The Research on Nudges: Plant-Based by Default Works

The Better Food Foundation’s signature strategy, Plant-Based by Default, leans on the science of behavioral nudges and choice architecture to influence diet shifts. In collaboration with Faunalytics, we developed an overview of research addressing the effectiveness of the intervention.

The comprehensive overview addresses the effectiveness of plant-based defaults across various dining settings, and a companion blog dives deeper into implementation best practices.

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Reports and Publications

The Better Food Foundation’s reports and publications include case studies and research on plant-based defaults. Notably, in collaboration with Sodexo, researchers at Boston College, and the research nonprofit Food for Climate League, BFF was involved in the first-ever multi-site research study on plant-based defaults within all-you-care-to-eat dining halls. The study successfully tested the impact of serving plant-based dishes as the default option within dining hall stations at three universities. The results can be found in our Executive Summary: Serving up Plants by Default.

In the coming months, we’ll publish a report diving into the power of nudges in coffee shops, particularly when they shift to offering oat milk as the default creamer. We’ll showcase successful case studies from around the world and offer practical strategies for cafes to slash their carbon footprints and make menus more inclusive through plant-based defaults—without cutting into their bottom line.

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