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Movement Building

The Better Food Foundation is committed to strengthening the movement for diet change as a whole. We build capacity for community-based advocates, faith-based institutions, and authors who are reshaping how we think about food.

Funding community-led advocacy

We observe that many of the most promising strategies for plant-based diet change are being developed and carried out by community-based advocates. These forms of dietary advocacy benefit from the cultural insights and knowledge these leaders have about their communities, as well as the trust and connections they are able to build.

Community-based diet change initiatives may be based on geographic location, religion, race or ethnicity, or other types of communal identity, and their strategies are unique, diverse, and challenge assumptions about what “effective” diet change activism looks like.

They are also deeply underfunded as a result of systemic inequity in philanthropy at large, combined with the lack of resources available for diet change work more broadly. The Better Food Foundation has helped raise more than $2.5M in grants to community-based advocates who advance dietary change and provide mentorship, technical assistance and fiscal sponsorship services to grassroots organizations.

Through this support, we also strive to spread awareness about community-based diet advocacy and offer consultation and guidance to philanthropists to facilitate greater funding for impactful yet under-resourced projects. Learn more about the groups we have supported:

If you would like to fund these groups, you can do so directly through their own websites. If you’re interested in partnering with the Better Food Foundation to facilitate funding other groups in alignment with our mission, please reach out to our Executive Director, Jennifer Channin.