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Flipping food and culture through plant-forward thinking

FlipIt is the Better Food Foundation’s storytelling platform, highlighting the stories of changemakers who are making plant-based food the norm in their communities.

Why FlipIt?

Our current food system has got it backwards. Our reliance on meat and dairy to feed the world is doing the opposite, and flipping to a plant-forward future positively impacts more than just the food on our plates.

Featured Changemakers


Would you like to partner with FlipIt to flip food and minds? We’re looking for storytellers, influencers, changemakers and advocates to partner with us to create, share and host FlipIt’s videos, social media campaigns, essays and other content that flips food norms. Want to learn more? Contact us at [email protected].


The above videos have been viewed nearly one million times on social media networks through the Better Food Foundation’s advertising dollars, highlighting our commitment to lifting up the work of peers in doing community-centric, plant-based diet change work.

One of FlipIt’s goals is to raise funds and awareness for these leaders. If you’re inspired by FlipIt’s stories and want to support any of the people or organizations FlipIt features, we would be delighted to meet with you to facilitate connections, recommendations and fundraising for these highly impactful projects as part of BFF’s movement building program, which has raised millions of dollars for community-based advocates, faith-based nonprofits and thought leaders who are reshaping our food culture.