Through the work of the Better Food Foundation with our volunteers, ambassadors, and partner organizations working together to advance climate-smart, plant-centered food systems–more than 500 institutions, businesses, and organizations now use Plant-Based Default strategies in their food service settings.
To achieve scale, we’ve helped more than 30 advocacy groups adopt the Plant-Based by Default strategy as part of their own campaigns for inclusive, healthy, and climate-friendly food. We work with partners and advocates to adopt and implement this powerful strategy in the way that best fits their organization’s and community’s culture. The following list of adopters reflects the advocacy work of our partnership networks to shift diets to more plant-forward food.
The key describes the type of plant-based nudge used, and the partner nonprofit organizations involved in the work.
To learn more about our work in cities, visit Plant-Based Defaults in Cities.
To learn more about our work in coffee shops, visit DefaultVeg Coffee Shops.
All events have adopted DefaultVeg on an ongoing basis unless a specific year is noted.
Learn more about our faith-based work on our Faith in Food page.
To learn more about our work in universities, visit DefaultVeg in Universities.
Now it’s your turn. If you’d consider joining these institutions by implementing Plant-Based by Default in your restaurant, cafeteria, catering orders, or conference, visit our Resource Page and webinars to get started right away. Also, contact our team to schedule a one-on-one meeting for additional information and support.
meals impacted/year
institutions using plant-based nudges
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, equivalent to 888,000 kg of carbon dioxide
reduction in water footprint, or 21,000,000 gallons of water